Australia, The Wide Brown Land for Me!

by Linda Maher

Australia...  The Wide Brown Land for Me!

Australia... The Wide Brown Land for Me!

What you get

‘Australia, The Wide Brown Land For Me!’ is a spiral-bound textbook, with 38 lessons, spanning Australian history from the Aborigines to current day. The book includes 2-3 pages of text per lesson, followed by comprehension questions, suggested activities, map work and photocopiable student pages.

How it works

Each lesson begins with 2 or 3 pages of information, which the parent / teacher either reads aloud, or, the students read for themselves. After the reading, there may be map work, colouring pictures, comprehension questions and / or suggested activities.

Some of the lessons titles are: The First Australians, The Great South Land, Captain James Cook, Settlement, Governor Arthur and the Convicts, The Coastline, Charles Sturt, Burke and Wills, Gold!, The Coming of Federation, The ANZACS, and Our National Anthem.

The 38 lessons can be used one per week, especially if augmented with further research and reading, or, the lessons can be covered at a faster pace if so desired. In our own studies, we found that covering two lessons per week suited us perfectly. We spent two days on each lesson, four days a week.

It is recommended that each student have either a project book, with opposite blank and lined pages, or, that a ring binder is used. Access to encyclopedias and / or the Internet is most helpful.

This book gives a good, solid, coverage of our Australian history. Obviously, being 38 lessons, it does not cover everything; but if more studies in Australian History are required, it can be used as a springboard for more in-depth research.

Additional Products

The student pages, which are included in the text, may either be photocopied, or purchased in separate packets.

More Information and Samples

For further information and sample pages, please visit Adnil Press.

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