Homeschool Writing Help

by Cassandra D
(Gold Coast, Qld, Australia)

Hi there! My name is Cassandra & may I first say that this is possibly THE best web site I have discovered! I have only been an internet user for just on 12 months & finding sites like yours has made the internet my new best friend! Thank you soooo much for all the time and effort you have put into it - it is truly so amazing.

Okay, so here is my question!

I have a 6 yr old gorgeous and ulta-precious son, who spent just 2 months in a private school (& we all hugely disliked it), before we discovered homeschooling (which we knew NOTHING about previously). We are presently using the A.C.E curriculum, which is alright, but there seems to be lots of writing - which my darling child greatly dislikes!

What should I do about this?

Of course, along with not liking the whole writing thing, goes a general lack of enthusiasm to want to read (although he can).
He has come to associate 'learning' with reading & writing and therefore, mostly dislikes the whole term.
I feel sad about this, because I want the exact opposite for him.

Using your site, we are wanting to implement the TJ Ed approach to schooling. But until I actually get it into practice & read the books, do you have any advice? Should i push this issue or just not be concerned? Lately, I have been skipping over heaps of the material in the PACE's because it seems so repetitive, and because my son is bright, I have suggested we just do some of the pages & then the test page (to lessen the writing load).

Being so new & inexperienced with homeschooling, I am not sure if I am doing him a disservice or justice.

Thanks for your time - and thanks again for this marvellous site.

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Thank You Marianne !
by: Cassandra

Mariane, Thank you so much for all your wonderful advice! You cannot imagine how much i have gleaned from your site. It has caused me to re-think everything and i have followed the 'steps' you have outlined & thought about our family vision and goals etc...

I have used your helpful advice and been able to peruse over several of the books you have mentioned for each subject - so a HUGE purchase of 'living books' is about to take place!! Do you purchase your books etc from or from an Australian book agency?

Thanks again, precious, intelligent and wise woman!!! You have blessed me beyond measure and broadened our whole perspective on many things.
May you receive a mighty harvest from all the beautiful seed you have sown!

Cassandra x

A few suggestions??
by: Marianne

Hi Cassandra,
I understand how you are feeling.
You want the best for your young six year old and want him to enjoy his learning along the way.

I would suggest that you think about the goals you have for your young son. You have mentioned you want him to enjoy his learning and not "associate 'learning' with reading & writing and therefore, mostly dislikes the whole term."

So, if you want to continue using the PACES, I would suggest that instead of getting him to read and write everything - you sit with him on the couch and treat it like an interesting thing to read about. Ask him to tell you orally what it was about and he could fill in some answers if you like, or otherwise, he can tell you and you can fill it in.

Allow him to enjoy learning about all sorts of things that interest him and if he is able to orally tell you about the content - that's great: that is the beginning of writing - sorting information, sequencing, telling it back. That is far more important than filling in the blanks!

I know you want the best for him - and you need to work out - is it "best" for him right now to sit down with a whole lot of books to read and write in? Only you can determine this. What are your goals for him? What do you really want to pursue for him now and in the future?

Character development is really important at this age. Teach chores, obedience, helpfulness, (more ideas at my learning stages page). As a 6 year old, open the world to him with books - history, science, literature; Play games, Go for walks, Explore nature; Create with art; Go on excursions; Make projects from what you've learned and give him time to play - play legos, blocks, cars, imaginary games etc.

If you want to continue to use the PACES at this age, I would suggest you don't get him to do the things he already knows. Move quickly through his work alongside of him, and then give him more free time to explore other interests.

Or, choose something else which would interest him more - perhaps project based material, Unit Studies are interesting and can be based around whatever the child's interests.

KONOS curriculum have developed Unit Studies around Character Traits and our family used this for a while when our children were young - heaps of fun activities to do, stories to read, things to make...

Take another look at my Delight Directed pages or Unit Studies pages.
Perhaps you might find a style which will suit your child at this stage.

Thanks for asking this question, and I hope that the answer may help you in some way. Pray about which way the Lord wants you to homeschool and trust that "the Lord will guide you always." Is58:11

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