Homeschool Schedule of The Schmidt House

by Tahira

This is the same homeschool schedule for all 3 of my kids.

Morning (about 1/2hr each.. less time spent younger the child) (in order...) (about 2hrs total) (start at about age 6.... teach same topics from birth to age 6 just done much more relaxed and informal) (topics underlined) (the max. pages done up to child... min. 1pg)

Baha'i study: Baha'i workbook or other study when that one done(at least 1pg) (Even done Fridays) (about 20 min.) (daily M-F)

Reading/Writing: 100 easy lessons & HWT (1 lesson and atleast 1pg YOUNGEST) than Free read & HWT (MIDDLE) than Free read & Journal(OLDEST) (about 1/2 hr) (daily M-th)

O.N.E.(Outside, Nature, Exercise) (all three do) (about 1/2 hr) (daily M-TH)

Math: Brainquest & games/math art (youngest two) than Mammoth Math & games/math art (at least 1pg... oldest) (about 20 min.) (daily M-TH)

Spanish: Related music, videos, classes, books, and workbooks (about 20 min.)(we kind of do what ever here) (M-TH till about age 6 than M/W)

Music: Workbook & listen to (maybe classes) than Practice & lessons (about 20 min.) (at age 6 T/TH)

Lunch and quiet time (nap or reading quietly) at 11:00
done between morning and afternoon lessons (at least 1hr)

Afternoons (about 3hrs)

Mon./Tues. Unit study at home unless strong urge to do related field trip (try to stay home days)
* Brainquest and 501 experiments for science
*Brainquest and Library stories for Social Studies
(other related activites or movies once in a while)

1st Wen. Baha'i or other volunteering
2nd Wen. Homeschool group
3rd. Wen. ZooSchool
4th Wen. Homeschool group

Thursday lesson from scouting book or related field trip

Friday Library unless absolutly need to makeup other school work (way behind in morning work and not get any done Friday morning... if not behind Friday morning is free time... Kids pick what they want to do)

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