Finger painting for kids little AND BIG!

by Peta
(Lesmurdie, WA, Australia)

Not every kid loves getting dirty. Especially if Mum has been somewhat of a control freak ( like me!) and taught them to clean their hands. However, this one is a winner, EVERY time.

1. Mix up either a home-made or 99c packet mix of chocolate cake MINUS the eggs and butter
2. Prep a large area (desk or table) with plastic sheeting
3. Have on hand (but not on the plastic) some large paper sheets
3. Cover precious clothes with aprons or painting smocks.
4. Allocate each child a good 'blob' of chocolate cake mix on the plastic sheeting and invite them to swirl, dab and generally sploodge!
5. Press sheets of paper onto the designs and hang up to dry
6. Continue until all the mix is used up or the kids are ready to lick their fingers clean!
7. Get some precious photos of delicious hands, faces and paintings for your scrap book.

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Nov 07, 2016
Finger painting
by: Anonymous

This looks like a lot of fun.

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